Category B

BamSystems - - 20 Mb webspace (url form: host/you); Unlimited traffic. Browser uploads; Simple HTML Editor. Personal forum and guestbook. One POP email account. Support for FTP, Real Audio/Video, PHP3, MIVA and CGI scripts, Frontpage 98 Extensions and AXS 2.2.

BCity - This is a business-only site. Banner ads required on each page. No pornographic sites or links to pornographic sites. No illegal software or spam email allowed. Users are required to provide the following private information before being accepted

Beetown - Offers a free single page web site for individuals or non-profit organizations. - 10 megabytes of free web space for personal pages, free web based email, chatrooms, bulletin boards.

Bizland. - 35MB. Banners on each page or through popups. Business sites only.

Template design by Amanda @ Blogger Buster